Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Do not think of yourself as being better than others

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Part of ayat An-Najm (The Star) - 53:32 He is fully aware of you when He brings you into being out of dust,  and when you are still hidden in your mothers’ wombs: do not, then, consider your­selves pure - [for] He knows best as to who is conscious of Him.

Do not think of yourself as being better than others

Once there was a diligent young man who wanted to learn Islam from the best of the best scholars. Perfect teachers. He came up with the criteria that a great scholar is one who is great in his deeds, so he will only learn from those within whom he does not find any mistakes, let alone sins.

He went up to a scholar, and requested permission to stay with him, and to learn from him with the caveat that if he finds any shortcomings, he will leave without further ado.  And it so happened that after several days he found something in the scholar that he did not like, and so he left.

Then he went looking for another scholar, and after several weeks, he found one, and repeated the process. After a few days, he left dejected due to something similar.  Finally, after several years of seeking, and spending time in the company of scholars, it is said that the number of scholars rejected by him reached ninety nine. So he was hoping against hope that the next one, that is, the hundredth one will rise up to his standard, so that he learns from him.

So, he told this hundredth fellow, a pious old wise man, the terms of his search. The old saint arranged for him to be well fed and rested, and said he will reply the next morning. Here is what he had to say:

"Son, do not wait to find one defect/flaw in me, for rest assured, I have many. You will be wasting your time. So, I have asked my family to prepare provisions for your return journey. However, since you have traveled far and wide to get here, let me offer you an idea, or an advice, if you so wish it."

The young man was open to listening to the advice. So the old man went on:

"Based on what you said, you have traveled thousands of miles and spend years in seeking out a perfect teacher or scholar, and yet, all you have to show for it is ninety-nine flaws that you found in others. Had you decided, instead, to pick one good trait from each of them, as of now, you would have been richer by ninety nine good character traits, and who knows, maybe had become a teacher in your own right. How wonderful would it have been?"
Hearing this, the youth was shocked, and was awakened to his folly and at the same time was hit with the realization that this hundredth teacher is the teacher that he was looking for.

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